Saturday, March 17, 2012

Huh, I've been an RN for more than a year now...

Yeah, I've started writing on this blog again so that maybe Robert will stop making fun of me for watching terrible television.

Clients always ask about what sort of things I see in community nursing. I guess since they're being treated at home, they're curious about whether there are other people who are equally unwell, if not more.

The other day, I was doing changing a dressing on someone's pilonidal cyst incision and she asked me, "Doesn't this gross you out?" It's a question I get quite often.

Believe me, incision wounds are a cakewalk. I LOVE pilonidal cysts. I could pack drained abscesses all day long.

Do you know what's surprisingly yucky? Tracheotomies. Oh sure, it's easy to think of it only as a tube in the throat to help you breathe. But people need them for a reason and that reason always leads to coughing and secretions. If one coughs hard enough, secretions can and will shoot out of the trachs like horrific projectiles of mucousy death. I will confess right here that when I used to suction trachs in the hospital, I had a silent scream frozen on my face under my mask every single time. Even disimpacting people's colons is less disturbing to the soul. Still, I've never actually dreaded doing trach care. I hid my face with a mask (and face shield, if I could get one) and got on with it. No one has to know that I did a little private shudder after it was over.

In the end, it comes down to the individual nurse's personal brand of heebie-jeebies. Eventually, you can get used to almost anything and will only feel a slight tingle running up and down your spine. The nightmares will only last a few weeks, tops. =P