Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm mere minutes away from sitting in my chair with drool running down my face.

When I first started this blog, I thought I would be writing a lot about my experiences as a student nurse, making her way into the exciting world of healing people and kicking ass, which oddly makes me sound like a strange video game character who goes around alternatively healing people in a benevolent Mother-Theresa-with-a-health-professional-degree fashion and stomping people's faces into the dirt while cackling with glee.

Like a ninja nurse.


Ninja nurse! That's even better than Judero Hirabayashi, a former voice actress from Japan who became tragically addicted to cough syrup and was forced to make her way to Toronto in order to tear herself away from the terrible memories of her past life. Will we ever do an actual enactment of Untitled?

Anyway, back to my nursing adventures. They're not so much adventures as they are, shall we say, episodes that occur as I happen to pass by. It's not so much the confidentiality issue that stops me from writing about them. Goodness knows that I talk about my clinicals all the time and I'm always careful not to reveal any identifying features. "So my client was a man with green hair and lazy eye with one rainbow-coloured toe sock hanging off his left ear..."

My mind is too full of details, most of which I probably won't forget for the rest of my life. If you were to ask me about the very first client I ever had in the postpartum unit 30 years from now, I'd probably remember. I don't really feel the need to record every single thing that happens as I did during all those years in Westmount. If you begged me to write a Crazy E-mail now, then I couldn't, because those e-mails were for all of us. The funny things that happened when we formed our own TAG group in the third floor stairwell are important to me as they were to you, which is why I tried to record them as faithfully as I did all those years ago. One day, THE book will be finished when most of you will have forgotten what we did together. And hopefully you'll read it and all the memories will come whooshing back. And hopefully I'll finish it before we're all sitting in a WSS retirement community someplace. I picture a nice cul-de-sac with all of our houses arranged in a row. That is the dream, neh?

I don't know where I'm going with this, really. The nap in the evening really doesn't help with coherent thought process.



Unknown said...

Somewhere in Japan, there exists already a Ninja Nurse anime. I'd bet money on it.

And I'd watch it. ^_^

JG said...

Perhaps, but I imagine it'd be more likely to be a Ninja Nurse hentai. ;)

Unknown said...

O_O I bet it would be a yuri too.

EWWWW! You leave my Ninja Nurse out of the hentai world!