Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I have tan lines on my butt.

Yes, that's right. Tan lines on my butt.

I've been swimming everyday in my outdoor pool in Wiarton and apparently, for a person who normally shrinks away from sunlight like a vampire, it means that your butt becomes two-toned. Like vanilla ice cream with mocha swirls.

I just compared my butt to ice cream. This post is getting more uncomfortable by the minute. I'll stop right here and make myself some macaroni.

Dasol, my pseudo-trainer, assures me that the five-pound weight gain is from building muscle mass. Muscle? Me? Judy of the Bendy Fingers? O_O


JG said...

Well, at least said tan lines are unlikely to be as obvious as, say, the tan lines on my feet. Damn flip-flops/sandals...

JG said...

And now I have a new post too! yee!

Kevin Lau said...

I have a blog! I have a blog!
Now I just have to figure out how to link to you people...