Sunday, April 13, 2008

How to Study like Jutea in 20 Easy Steps!

Step 1: Mark down the location, time and worth of all your exams on the calendar hanging in the kitchen with bright coloured markers.

Step 2: Complain about the dates. If they're all squished together, complain that you don't have enough time to study. If they're far apart, complain that the exam period is ridiculously long.

Step 3: Compile all lecture slides, reading notes and whatever study aid you've got for each course and put them together using bright coloured clips. Just because your heart is filled with black despair (or at least some slushy grey annoyance), it doesn't mean that everything else in this process has to be just as bleak.

Step 4: Highlight to your heart's content, like there's no tomorrow, until kingdom come! Screw the physiology prof who said that highlighting doesn't help you study! At this point, he can shove his endocrinologist superiority right up his-

Step 5: Read everything over.

Step 6: Try to calculate what mark you should get on each exam to maintain your 3.81 GPA.

Step 7: Curse physiology to damnation.

Step 8: Get back to studying for the first exam. Poke at various parts of your body, hoping that the resulting bruises will help you remember the landmarks for Health and Physical Assessment.

Step 9: Start thinking that you can condense the lecture slides even more if you could just pick out the info that you're iffy on. Waffle back and forth until you throw up your hands in frustration and condense the info by hand into 8 pages.

Step 10: Proclaim yourself awesome.

Step 11: Put on some music. Something upbeat and easy to whistle along to.

Step 12: Whistle along to John Williams music while studying.

Step 13: Make fries from scratch. Carbs are good for the brain!

Step 14: Whistle along to James Bond theme songs while eating fries and studying.

Step 15: Start wondering what assessing Sean Connery's respiratory system might be like.

Step 16: Feel proud that you remembered to moisten his chest hair so that it wouldn't rustle against the diaphragm of your stethoscope in your oddball clinical fantasy.

Step 17: Make a pointless to-do list. "Study. Eat. Study. Sleep. Eat. Study. EXAM!!! Study. Eat. Study..."

Step 18: Wonder what you should eat for dinner.

Step 19: Procrastinate by writing a blog entry on how to study like self.



julie said...

when i was in law school, i became very effective at marking up my class notes with 1,000 little multi-coloured sticky tabs (usually literally) - i hadn't done most of the readings and i certainly couldn't read any of my notes, but man oh man could i find the section in RECORD time. (we got to bring condensed versions of our notes into most exams.) i didn't study, i tabbed.

JG said...

Which John Williams music??

(I'm currently air-conducting to Beethoven... okay, I'm really just listening to it, but I *do* get into it!)