Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cooking Attempt #8: 감자조림 (Potato side dish)

I'm on a cooking roll, lately. Anyway, I was sick of having no more than 2 side dishes at a time, so I decided to make something else to add to my fridge!

This recipe is one of many Korean potato side dishes. It's a nice mix of saltiness (from the soy sauce) and sweetness (from honey).

5 medium sized potatoes - chopped into largish chunks
1 onion - chopped
crushed garlic - 1 tbsp
soy sauce - 12 tbsp
water - 1/2 cup
sesame oil - 1 tbsp
honey - 3 tbsp and then to taste

First you put the potato chunks in a large pot with lots of water and start bring it up to a boil. Lower the heat to medium and leave on the stove until the potatoes are almost done cooking. Meanwhile, mix the onion, garlic and soy sauce together in a bowl. Drain the potatoes and put them back in the pot on low heat. Add the onion, garlic, soy sauce mixture. Then add water to the pot. Stir frequently, making sure that the potatoes get coated with the sauce. When the sauce starts to thicken, add the sesame oil and stir. Turn off the heat. Add honey and stir.

I like mine a little sweet, so just keep tasting and experimenting.
Clockwise from left: Nori (dried seaweed seasoned with sesame oil and salt), potato side dish, radish kimchi, fish cake stir fry

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cooking Attempt #7: 오뎅조림 (Fish cake stir fry)

I made some fish cake soup over the weekend, but all the flavour went out of it into the broth, so I decided to make something else with the rest of the fish cake.
This is a side dish that you eat with rice. I had mine with kimchi and some nori. Yum.

Fish cake - 400g - This comes in all shapes and sizes. If it's too big, then cut it to bite-size.
Onion - chopped
Green pepper - chopped
Green onion - chopped
Hot pepper - chopped
Carrot - diced
Soy sauce - 3 tbsp
Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Chili paste - 1 tbsp

Boil some water and dip the fish cake pieces in it briefly. Fish out the fish cake pieces and dunk them in cold water. When they've cooled down, cook it in a frying pan/wok with a bit of oil until it starts to brown over medium heat. Push it to one side of the pan, so that you can cook the veggies with the soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar. Once the veggies start to soften, add the chili paste and mix it until it dissolves. Then mix everything together, making sure that the fish cake is coated evenly. Before you eat, sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.

This is the spicy version. If you like something milder, then just forego the hot pepper and chili paste. Yummy yum!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Brief Self-Review

I got a phone call randomly on Thursday from the First-Year office at McGill, asking me how my first year was going and if I was adjusting well to university life. I was amused, but gratified. From what I can remember, U of T never called me except to ask for my contribution as an alumnus, because as an alumnus of the illustrious U of T, you must be wallowing in money only months after graduating, right? And from what I can remember, I also told it to go fuck itself (not exactly in those words).


So I told the person that it wasn't actually my first year of university life but that I still appreciated the call anyway. After I hung up, I started thinking about why I was so bitter about U of T. Was there something incredibly wrong about the whole system or was I foisting the blame for my less than stellar academic career on it?

I will be the first to admit that I goofed off a lot in my first year. Everyone knows first year is when they make sure everyone is up to speed in the basics of whatever program they're in. I was arrogant from my years at Westmount. I skipped classes, slept through lectures, barely did readings and all that good stuff. Still, I did a little better than average.

At the end of the first year, I went to my registrar (academic advisor) who basically informed me that I had screwed up the rest of my life and that med school was now out of my reach forever and ever. Surprisingly, the med school thing didn't bother me as much as her attitude that my marks, which were just average and not terrible, weren't good for anything to which I might aspire. That no matter how hard I tried from here on in, it wouldn't count for anything, because of this one screw-up. I was so bitter that I later wrote a sarcastic letter mocking registrars, which was accepted by one of the campus papers. I don't consider it my best piece, but it must have been a common enough opinion to be published in all its vociferous glory.

Second year is a blur. I did better in some aspects, I suppose. Actually enjoyed some of the courses, but I still slept through Physiology, because quite frankly, if the profs can't be bothered to at least pretend that they're not aching to go rushing back to their labs at Med Sci, then I can't pretend to show any interest in their half-hearted lectures. I simply refuse. So second year was also a bit of a bust.

Before third year started, I said to myself, this can't be what university is about. I'm supposed to be learning new things and expanding my mind and everything else that education is supposed to do for you. So fuck it, I said, and after making sure I had enough courses to get my Life Sciences major and Math and Botany minors, I signed up for whatever sounded interesting. Classical mythology, Latin and Greek roots in Science terminology, history of math, history of bio, etc. History of Espionage was an unusual treat. Thanks to this new outlook, I enjoyed my third and fourth year quite a bit. I did all the readings that I was supposed to do and went to most lectures. Sure, I didn't take physics or more than one anatomy course. I don't regret it, even if it means I have to take them now for nursing. I don't care if I can't exactly remember how RNA viruses work. I know what works for me now. I know what I want to learn and I know I'm not a failure.

In your face, U of T.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mon peau est trop sensitive.

J'ai reçu la vaccine pour le polio lundi matin, et maintenant j'ai un contusion sur mon épaule. Ce n'est pas une nouvel événement. Je trouve plusieurs contusions au hasard, mais celui-ci est vraiment dégoûtant. C'est bleu, avec des points violets. Un photo est compris, parce que Robert me l'a suggeré. Voilà!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

J'ai eu une rêve en français.

Je ne peux pas me souvenir tous les détails, mais je pense que c'était une situation dangereuse. Il y avait quelqu'un avec moi, qui essayait de trouver la solution (peut-être quelque chose avec une machine? - je pense que je regarde trop de Battlestar Galactica) et je l'aidait. C'était très obscur tout autours, et à l'étroit. Il y avait trois étages pour réparer la problème. Je ne sais pas s'il y avait du conversation en français, mais je suis sûre que toutes mes pensées étaient en français. C'est drôle, non? Je ne peux pas parler en français sans penser un peu en avant, mais je peux rêver en français, si je le pratique un peu avant de m'endormir?

Mais voici, ma première poste en français. J'ai besoin de beaucoup d'encouragement!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Do you know what hell is, mortal?

This has been stuck in my head for the past hour.

Follow me~ Fantasy, fantasy~