Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Impossible Task

Many said it could not be done.
E'en giants, boasting of their height and strength shook their heads at the thought. But lo, four heroes of unquenchable pluck and boundless energy (on a Sunday night, no less!) have moved the immovable! The behemoth of the family room is now in its final resting spot in the basement and there it shall stay forevermore. Unless you hire professional movers, because I certainly won't be attempting a move AGAINST gravity.
This is a monument to their courage and commitment which led them to attempt the impossible during the time they could have spent playing Rock Band. Listen and you will hear their victorious cry: "In your face, Jerome!"

See the record of our triumph.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I am SO glad that I was 2000 km away! But what on earth kind of steroid-laced left-overs had I left behind for you guys?

And later on that week, our heroes moved all the sectional couch units from the family room into the basement. They carried the old TV from the basement up into the now-almost-empty family room, where it sits in solitary testimonial to their ability to move mountains.

JG said...

Once again, Luke "It's too big!" Skywalker is wrong. Nice job.