Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cooking Attempt #49: Lemon meringue pie and lemon chiffon pie

Would you believe me if I said that I've never had any kind of lemon pie? Well, it's true. When Robert found out, he declared it a most grievous sacrilege and made the oh so subtle suggestion to his mother.

So Lilian taught me how to make a pie crust. It was my first time wielding a rolling pin. I poked holes in the crust with a fork before baking it. It was just like the Cooking Mama game!

We made lemon meringue pie that day. It was so pretty!!! And delicious. We didn't chill it long enough, so the filling oozed out when we cut it for dinner. But still yummy!

The next day, we made lemon chiffon pie. There was a tiny bit of leftover filling, so I nyomphed it down as a self-congratulatory snack. That pie sliced nicely when cut. Mmm~ so nommy.

So I know how to make pies now! Whee!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Summer of Judy

You know that Seinfeld episode where George loses his job at the Yankees and decides to spend the summer putzing around willy nilly?

Well, it's turning into a Summer of Judy for me. I had originally planned on having a nursing job by now and studying for the licensing exam in October, but due to some unfortunate circumstances (which I have droned on and on about to so many people that I can't even muster the energy to do it once more in writing), that ain't happenin'! The delay is so infuriating that I was getting flashbacks to the days of Science in Society class when I was threatening to bonk my brains out with the pointy end of a scanner while Linda laughed and laughed hysterically, both of our minds on the verge of crumbling like delicious cinnamon dusted graham crackers.

So I've been spending my energy taking Japanese classes and studying nursing stuff from time to time so that my brain doesn't completely rust. And, since I am a poor student and in need of money until a bunch of bureaucratic nitwits tell me when I can start working in my field, I've advertised myself as an English/French tutor on a Korean message board. Ahhh, it's like being back at U of T all over again. Except the fact that I refuse to teach chemistry and math now. Thank goodness.

Oh, and you know how in that same Seinfeld episode, George slips on an invitation and hurts his legs? Guess what I did last night. I slipped on Robert's floor and twisted my ankle. Yes, the same one that I always twist. Thanks to my nursing interventions, it is not as swollen as it would normally be. But yes, it hurt so much that I cried last night for 10 minutes or so. So we all know what's going first when I'm 70-something and have osteoporosis. Something to think about.