Monday, October 13, 2008

What's the level of your pain on a scale of 0 to 10 after I've bonked you with my juicebox?

I'm sick to death of classes, conferences, discussions, case studies about pain management. Yes yes, it's a crucial component of health care, blah blah blah here's some morphine.

But are we going to be having conferences at every single clinical location and classes on it every term in one course or another? I'm not kidding.

First year:
Therapeutic relationship - class on pain
Health and physical assessment - assessment of pain (actually useful)
Geriatrics clinical - pain conference
Obstetrics clinical - pain conference

Second year:
Acute stress and coping - 5 insufferable classes on pain
Pediatrics clinical - pain conference

It's not like there's new information, people. Regurgitating the same drivel about why the OUCHER scale doesn't work as well as FACES is not going to help me pay attention. Tell me how to administer analgesics, then. Tell me how to deal with a child that's kicking and screaming, because he doesn't understand what the medication is for. Tell me something that I can use instead of telling me for the sixth bloody time that pain is the fifth bloody vital sign and should bloody be assessed whenever you bloody go talk to the bloody patient.

I was going to insert a joke in here somewhere about classes on pain giving ME pain, but I can't. And the word "bloody" is starting to look weird to me. Like it's spelled wrong but I know it isn't.

Look what you've done now! Are you happy, McGill?


Kevin Lau said...

I am always entertained by your overwhelming love for university institutions :D

Ladyjutea said...

My pain entertains people; I know that full well. What of your love for U of bloody T?

Kevin Lau said...

Meh, it's pretty neutralized. I'm not spending a great deal of time there these days so I'm fairly indifferent to the joys/pains of university life, although I must say that I'm pleased to have acquired an office -- and one that's not in the main building, either! Now all I need is a new laptop...