Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh yes, this is the kind of stuff I do at home.

I wrenched the proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger of my right hand after my pharmacology exam this afternoon. How did I do this? It's snowing today and my joints must be acting up. That's a fun thing to happen at 25 years of age.

Anyhoo, I fashioned a homemade finger brace out of a Trident package and masking tape. And then I realized what I'd done. Here's a pic. You can laugh but it works super awesome!


JG said...


Your very first case report!

Linda said...

You, my friend, are a complete nutter :D. But then, you already knew that! lol

julie said...

Oh Judy, you are so lucky I am behind on reading your blog this week, otherwise I would have teased you horribly about this when I saw you on Sunday evening! Though to be honest, I am mostly impressed and awed at your ingenuity, not to mention a little clueless as to what a proximal interphalange is (I do know the word "joint" however - yay me!).

JG said...

Finger bones are phalanges, and the proximal joint is the one closer to the knuckle (aka the metacarpal-phalangeal joint).

The more you know!