Friday, January 8, 2010

So Robert gave me Harvest Moon for Christmas...

...and so began the adventures of Jutea, owner of Moopie Ranch.

Year One: Spring
So I started working on my new ranch. It wasn't as run down as Taro and Mirabelle intimated, seeing as how I have a huge island all to myself, with a dinky house, stable, supply shed and a large field. Started farming a few plots of turnips and potatoes and cleaning up my field of stones and branches. Turns out clearing away the rocks and branches was a bad idea, seeing as how they can be turned into material stone and lumber by using the sledgehammer and axe. Huh. There are also these huge boulders in the field that I just have no idea how to get rid of. It's still okay, because my stamina runs out at an alarming rate and I don't know how I would water all the crops if I had more planted than I do right now.
Wandered around town, saying hello. Everyone was welcoming, if slightly repetitive. Started scouting for eligible bachelors and found three that seem even remotely interesting. Denny is the fisherman who lives in the purple fishing shack on the east coast. He's super nice and friendly. Vaughn is the animal wrangler who lives...well, actually, I don't think he even owns a house. He's also standoffish, but he has an awesome black hat and has that mysterious vibe thing going on. Pierre is a well off gourmet who's on the main island to study ingredients and develop new recipes. Tried to give him some curry as a present, but he wouldn't take it, the snooty bastard.
There was a turnip festival at the end of the month, but alas, I had sold all my turnips accidentally and couldn't enter the contest. I won't make that mistake again.

Year One: Summer
Finally saved up enough money and lumber to expand my house. Sadly, the renovation doesn't include a kitchen, which seems silly to me. Also bought a chicken coop and Mirabelle was kind enough to give me a chick. Named it Cheepy. Can't wait for it to grow up and start giving me some eggs. Bought another chicken and named it Lauren to keep Cheepy company.
Growing tomatoes and corn this summer. There's a tomato festival at the end of the month, so I'm going to enter it. Experimenting with watering and ripening times to get the grade A tomatoes I need.
Bought a fishing pole and started testing out the waters. Caught some dinky fish! Gave one to Denny and he was really happy about it. Gonna start giving him one everyday from now on. Figured out that Vaughn (the mysterious one in the cowboy hat) likes eggs. Excellent. Going to give him a fresh egg whenever I happen to see him.
My tomato got second place in the festival! It should help me in my hunt for a husband!

Year One: Autumn
Finally built myself a kitchen, but so far I can only make chestnut rice, normal rice and bread. Gotta get more recipes somehow. Oh! I got myself another chicken and named it Kko Kko. And the brand new incubator lets me hatch new chicks every 3 days. Time to sell me some chickens! Going to keep the original three and sell the rest. Mirabelle also gave me a little dark brown puppy! I have named him Poopy.
Took an eggplant to the island potluck to add to the stew. Everyone said it was delicious. Of course it was. After all, my eggplant got first place at the festival!
Gave Denny a fish for his birthday. He was really happy and we have progressed to 4 hearts. Vaughn continues to be taciturn, but still accepts the occasional egg. Sometimes, I think he's just using me for the eggs.

Year One: Winter
There's no farming to do in winter, so focusing on my animals and gathering stone and lumber. Went to the snow festival and built a snowman with Gannon the carpenter, because no one else would help me. Apparently, I haven't been paying enough attention to them all. Well, of course not, I've been focusing on Denny and Vaughn!
Gave chocolate to Denny on Winter Harmony Day. Was going to give some to Vaughn, but as usual, he can't be found when you want him. So I ate the chocolates for stamina. Denny's showing more interest now. He invited me to watch the ocean with him and then guess what? He asked me to go to the Starry Night Festival with him! He invited me over for dinner (some fish stew and burnt chestnut rice) and then we went to the festival together. Now whenever I talk to him to give him his daily fish present, he hints at having a wife and children to go fishing with him. As much as our relationship has progressed in the past year, I'll continue giving presents to Vaughn until I can be sure of Denny's affections. Also, I've got my ranch to run. Hope next year will be more profitable so I can build a barn and get myself some sheep!

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