Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cooking attempt #2: Potato 반찬

Koreans have a bowl of sticky rice at every meal with many different side dishes and/or soups. The side dishes are called "반찬" (ban-chan) and they come in little dishes at the beginning of meals in every Korean restaurant (unless you order bento boxes or something, which are Japanese). Normally you make a lot of it at once and they keep in the fridge for a week or even more. I got this recipe from a Korean website.

First I peeled potatoes, chopped them up and cooked them in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil until they started to brown. Then I added some water (enough to boil around the potatoes) and soy sauce to taste. You let it cook for a bit on medium heat and add hot chili powder (Koreans use ground up red hot peppers) and some ground up garlic. Keep cooking until potatoes are fully cooked and the water is almost gone. Add sesame seeds before eating with rice. I had dried seaweed (nori) with mine. Mmm mmm~

Note: It is a bitch working with photos on Blogger. Holy crap.

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