Monday, September 10, 2007

My first home-cooked made-from-scratch meal!

Rejoice, good people, for I have made my very first proper meal in Montreal!
Ramen and canned soup does NOT count.
I went to Metro today and bought myself some chicken drumsticks, a bag of salad greens, a couple of tomatoes, some pumpernickel bread and margarine.
Then I marinated the drumsticks in barbeque sauce for a few hours, during which I took a nap. Then I cut it up so that they would cook faster and voila! I put my precious Japanese ginger salad dressing that I bought back in Toronto. Mmm~ so refreshing.

Doesn't it look yummy? I'm so proud of myself. Yay!

While I was eating it, I calculated how much the whole meal had cost and it comes to less than $3. Isn't that amazing? I'd never thought about that before. Anyhoo, yay!

If anyone has suggestions for an easy meal, let me know!


JG said...

I NEEEEEED the recipe.

And then I will eat well!

BFlat said...

judy! come help me in Korea. I need my favourite translator. Its maddness here. Not at the bookstore. Here!! I don't know what is going on. Ever. EVER!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Easy meals:
- pasta and garlic bread
- mac & cheese
- hot dogs
- baked chicken