Wednesday, April 2, 2008

French vocab exercise 001

Alright, I need to work on my vocabulary a lot and right now, I'm not getting a chance to learn more of it. So I must rely on the old-fashioned elementary school spelling homework exercises. I'm going through my brand spanking new Larousse and writing a brief paragraph using 5 new roots every day. I'll try my best to be entertaining (when am I *NOT*, I dare you to tell me).

Here are the first 5:

-abaisser: to lower, pull down, let down
abaisse: piece of rolled-out pastry
abaisse-langue: tongue depressor

-abandonner: to abandon
s'abandonner: to let someone go, to open one's heart

-abaque: abacus

-abasourdir: to stun

-abâtardir: to cause to degenerate

La dame a laissé tomber son abaque avec incrédulité. Elle a été abasourdie quand le Dr Maillat l'a abandonnée. Il l'avait charmée avec son gentil emploi de l'abaisse-langue et elle s'était abandonnée librement. La trahison a abâtardi sa santé et elle est morte, en maudirant son nom.


The lady dropped her abacus in disbelief. She was stunned when Dr. Maillait abandoned her. He had charmed her with the gentle use of his tongue depressor and she had opened her heart freely. The betrayal caused her health to degenerate and she died, cursing his name.

Not bad, huh?


julie said...

you are too cool for school - i just learned at least 4 new french words.

JG said...

La pauvre!