6월에 만든 요리인데, 시간이 없어서 못 올렸습니다. 간단한 음식들이니까 한꺼번에 쓰기로 했어요!
Edit: I'm adding a Korean version at Dasol's request. I'm an awesome pants sister, that's what.
다솔이를 위해서 한글로 썼습니다. 저같은 누나가 어디 있나요?
Cooking Attempt #26: Spicy fried chicken (양념통닭)
You can have this delivered in Korea. Actually, you can order anything in Korea to be delivered. I've heard stories of people going fishing on the tiniest islands and getting bowls of black bean noodles delivered to them by boat. Sometimes, the boats can't even dock on the islands, so they have to throw their packages to the customer. Really, it's insane over there. But good food service. Anyhoo, where was I?
한국에서 배달많이 하는 음식이죠. 여름에 어디서 들었는데 한국에선 모든게 배달된데요. 어떤 한적한 섬에서 낚시를 하는 사람들도 먹고 싶으면 짜장면을 배로 갖다준데요. 정말 놀랐어요. 서비스는 한국사람들이 최고라네요.
Yes, spicy fried chicken. Now there's a chain of sorts in Toronto doing pickups and deliveries, but it feels so expensive when you're used to Korean prices. Plus, I'm here in Montreal, where the food just isn't quite up to Toronto standards, so I must make my own. Plus, I'm really starting to love this cooking from scratch thing.
아~ 양념통닭. 토론토에서 체인점이 있긴 한데, 한국에 비하면 너무 비싸지 않아요? 그리고 여기 몬트리얼은 식당들이 별로에요. (아~ 토론토 스시 먹고 싶어라~) 계다가 요즘 요리에 재미가 붙어서... ㅎㅎ
I bought some chicken drumsticks, coated them in flour and whipped egg and stuck them in the oven for about 20 minutes. You could fry it, but this is healthier, I think.
닭다리를 달걀과 밀가루를 묻혀서 오븐에 20분동안 넣습니다. 튀길 수도 있지만, 이게 더 건강하죠.
While that was cooking, I made the spicy sauce in a skillet:
3 cloves of smushed garlic
1 tbsp of butter
4 tbsp of ketchup
2 tbsp of raspberry jam
1 tbsp of honey
2 tbsp of chili paste
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of water
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1/2 red pepper, finely chopped
When the chicken was ready, I put it in the sauce and mixed it around and cooked it until the sauce was nice and thick and the chicken was done.
닭고기가 다 됐을때, 양념에 넣고 비벼요. 소스가 찐득찐득해집니다.
Then you sprinkle some sesame seeds and DEEEEELISH! In Korea, it usually comes with a small dish of sweet and sour radish (not really daikon), but I'm not sure how to make that and I don't really want to buy a whole radish just to make it. But it's really refreshing and crunchy next to the spicy chicken.
깨 좀 뿌리고 바로 드세요. 한국에선 무랑 같이 배달되죠? 무도 사기 싫고 어떻게 만드는 지도 몰라서 그건 생략했어요.
Cooking Attempt #27: Seaweed salad (미역조림)
I had some leftover seaweed when I made some seaweed soup. It's different from nori. It comes freeze dried, so you take a tiny bit and let it soak in some cold water. It expands quite a bit. Then you wash it and drain it. Then you mix it up with some chili paste, vinegar and sprinkle some sesame seeds on it. Chill it in the refrigerator and slorp it up!
미역국을 만들때, 좀 남아서 만들어봤어요. 그렇게 많이 부푸는지 몰랐어요. 고추장, 식초, 깨랑 비비고 나서 냉장고에 좀 나뒀다가 먹었어요.
Cooking Attempt #28: Spicy rice cake (떡볶이)
I found a Korean grocery store just minutes away from the Montreal Children's hospital where I have my clinical course. They had fresh plain rice cakes. Proper rice cakes, not those crispy rice thingies that Westerners call rice cakes. And I thought, "Hmmm...I've got fish cakes at home!"
제가 다니는 병원근처에 한국식품이 있더라구요. 한번 가봤는데 떡이 있어서 사봤어요. 집에 있는 어묵이랑 같이 떡볶이!
Spicy rice cakes are a favourite snack food in Korea. It's cheap, so kids usually go to snack bars and buy big platefuls of the stuff and gobble it down after school. They don't have to be spicy (without chili paste), but I'm used to the spicy version (from the south, baby!).
떡볶이는 모두 좋아하는 간식이죠. 인터넷을 검색해보니까 안 매운 떡볶이도 있다는데 (고추장 없이 간장만), 남쪽 사람이 그러면 되겠어요?
Cut the rice cake into 5cm long pieces and fish cake into bite-size pieces. Fish cake should be dipped in hot water and then drained. Cook these in a skillet with a bit of sesame oil and then set aside. It doesn't take a long time.
떡과 어묵을 한입 크기로 자르세요. 어묵은 먼저 뜨거운 물에 담궜다가 잘 빼구요. 참기름에 잠깐 볶았다가 옆에 놔둡니다.
The sauce is kinda like the one used for the spicy chicken:
3 tbsp of soy sauce
2 tbsp of chili paste
1 tbsp of ketchup
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of mushed garlic
1 carrot, thinly sliced
1 green pepper, chopped
Make the sauce, add the rice cake and fish cake and mix mix mix! Eat and reminisce about childhood! Ahhhhhhhhh~
양념은 양념치킨이랑 비슷해요. 만들고 나서 떡과 어묵을 넣고 비벼요! 먹으면서 어린시절을 생각합니다~
so in the long and short of it =
korean food and services > the west's
toronto food > montreal food
since youve learned so much, you should come home quick and make me everything youve learned =p
ill be looking forward to it
Wow, someone's becoming quite the chef :). What happened to the days when neither of us could boil noodles without some disaster or other happening? lol.
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